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Press Release

Sr.No Description Date of release Download/Detail
1 ED, Lucknow has filed a Prosecution Complaint (PC) on 03.05.2024 against infamous land mafia of Bulandsahar, led by Sudhir Kumar Goyal and his wife Smt. Rakhi Goyal under the provisions of PMLA, 2002 before Hon’ble Special Court (PMLA), Ghaziabad. The Hon’ble Court has taken cognizance of the PC on 01.07.2024. 02/जुलाई/2024 305.42 किलोबाइट
2 ED, Ranchi has secured a conviction in the matter of submitting false and bogus invoices of bitumen, which caused wrongful gain to a contractor and corresponding loss to the state exchequer of Jharkhand. ED had filed Prosecution Complaint on 31.03.2018 before the Hon’ble Special Court (PMLA), Ranchi, against the accused namely M/s Kalawati Construction Pvt Ltd. and Vijay Kumar Tiwari, on 26.06.2024 the Hon’ble Special Court (PMLA), Ranchi sentenced the said accused to three years of Rigorous imprisonment and also imposed a fined of Rs 1 Lakh on him, in a money laundering case. 02/जुलाई/2024 301.41 किलोबाइट
3 ED, Jalandhar has provisionally attached movable/ immovable properties worth Rs. 71.13 Lakh belonging to Raman Kumar and his family members in connection with a case of criminal conspiracy, cheating and forgery committed by Raman Kumar with the company M/s. Indofill Industries Limited. 02/जुलाई/2024 21.65 किलोबाइट
4 ED, Ranchi has provisionally attached 62 immovable properties having value of Rs.9.67 Crore belonging to Md. Ezhar Ansari in the case of Md. Ezhar Ansari & others under the provisions of PMLA, 2002. 01/जुलाई/2024 135.44 किलोबाइट
5 ED, Kochi has provisionally attached assets worth Rs.29.29 Crore of various individuals and entities including the Thrissur District Secretary, Communist Party of India (Marxist) under PMLA, 2002 as part of investigation into the Karuvannur Service Co-operative Bank fraud case. Total attachments in this case till date is 117.78 Crore. 29/जून/2024 119.39 किलोबाइट
6 ED, Kochi has provisionally attached assets valued at Rs. 27.88 Crore (approx.) in the case of M/s PRD Mini Nidhi Limited under the PMLA, 2002. 29/जून/2024 196.76 किलोबाइट
7 ED, Srinagar has provisionally attached an immovable property i.e. residential house situated at Bemina, Srinagar valued at Rs. 1.50 Crore, under the provisions of PMLA, 2002 in a case related to the smuggling and sale of narcotics drugs in order to acquire illegal funds for nourishment and propagation of terror activities in the state of J&K. 28/जून/2024 194.23 किलोबाइट
8 ED, Lucknow has provisionally attached movable/ immovable properties worth Rs. 31.74 Crore under the provisions of PMLA, 2002 in the case of M/s Shine City Properties Ltd. The total attachment in this case till date is Rs.160.28 Crore. 28/जून/2024 135.54 किलोबाइट
9 ईडी, मुंबई ने बैंक धोखाधड़ी के एक मामले में मेसर्स मंधाना इंडस्ट्रीज लिमिटेड और अन्य के खिलाफ पीएमएलए, 2002 के प्रावधानों के तहत 26.06.2024 को मुंबई में 12 अलग-अलग स्थानों पर तलाशी अभियान चलाया। तलाशी अभियान के दौरान 5 करोड़ रुपये के शेयर और प्रतिभूतियां फ्रीज की गईं, कई बैंक खाते और लॉकर फ्रीज किए गए और कई आपत्तिजनक दस्तावेज, 3 महंगे वाहन और महंगी घड़ियां जब्त की गईं। 27/जून/2024 413.38 किलोबाइट
10 ईडी, नागपुर ने पीएमएलए, 2002 के तहत 26.06.2024 को मेसर्स केबीसी मल्टी ट्रेड प्राइवेट लिमिटेड और अन्य के मामले में नासिक में स्थित रुपये 3.33 करोड़ (वर्तमान बाजार मूल्य 8.85 करोड़ रुपये) की चल संपत्तियों को अनंतिम रूप से कुर्क किया है। कुर्क की गई संपत्तियों में प्रमोटर भाऊसाहेब छब्बू चव्हाण, श्रीमती आरती भाऊसाहेब चव्हाण और अन्य द्वारा अर्जित सोने की ईंटें(बुलियन) और आभूषण और चांदी की ईंटें (बुलियन) शामिल हैं। 27/जून/2024 577.12 किलोबाइट