Archive Press Release

Sr.No Description Date of release Download/Detail
71 ED, Kolkata conducted search operations on 06.09.2024at 07 premises including the residence of Dr. Sandip Ghosh, his close relatives and associates in connection with misappropriation of funds by Ex- Principal, RG Kar Medical College and Hospital and others in money laundering case under the provisions of PMLA, 2002. During the search operations, various incriminating documents, documents related to properties acquired by Dr. Sandip Ghosh and his wife Dr. Sangeeta Ghosh and digital devices were found and seized. 10/Sep/2024 247.11 KB
72 ED, Kolkata conducted search operations at residential premises of Swapan Kumar Saha, Kunal Ray and office premises of M/s PKS Limited on 06/09/2024 under the PMLA, 2002 in a bank fraud case. During the search operations, Gold and Diamond jewellery amounts to Rs.6.56 Crore (approx.), Cash amount of Rs. 10 Lakh were seized and bank balance of Rs.10.3 Crore have been frozen. 10/Sep/2024 355.57 KB
73 ED, Jammu has arrested Laddi Ram, on 09.09.2024, in connection with a case involving Narco-Terrorism, linked to funding of the subversive activities of Hijbul Mujahideen. The Hon’ble Court of Principal District and Sessions Judge (Designated PMLA Court), Jammu has granted his ED custody for 04 days. 10/Sep/2024 157.98 KB
74 ईडी, पटना ने पीएमएलए, 2002 के तहत मेसर्स ब्रॉडसन्स कमोडिटीज प्राइवेट लिमिटेड के विरुद्ध धन-शोधन मामले में सुभाष प्रसाद यादव (मेसर्स ब्रॉडसन्स कमोडिटीज प्राइवेट लिमिटेड के पूर्व निदेशक ) और अशोक कुमार (मेसर्स ब्रॉडसन्स कमोडिटीज प्राइवेट लिमिटेड के निदेशक) द्वारा अर्जित पटना (बिहार), देहरादून (उत्तराखंड) और गाजियाबाद (उत्तर प्रदेश) में स्थित लगभग 67.56 करोड़ रुपये मूल्य की 5 अचल संपत्तियों को अनंतिम रूप से कुर्क किया है। 09/Sep/2024 172.21 KB
75 ED, Patna has provisionally attached 05 immovable properties located in Patna (Bihar), Dehradun (Uttarakhand) and Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh to the extent of Rs. 67.56 Crore (aprox.) acquired by Subhash Prasad Yadav (ex-Director of M/s Broadsons Commodities Pvt Ltd) and Ashok Kumar (Director of M/s Broadsons Commodities Pvt Ltd) under the PMLA, 2002, in connection with money laundering case against M/s Broadsons Commodities Pvt Ltd. 09/Sep/2024 27.75 KB
76 ईडी ने मेसर्स ओएस्टर बिल्डवेल प्राइवेट लिमिटेड, एक कंपनी जिसके लाभकारी मालिक गौतम थापर हैं, से संबंधित गुरुग्राम (हरियाणा) में स्थित 78.18 करोड़ रुपये मूल्य की 52.11 एकड़ भूमि पर फैली 24 अचल परिसंपत्तियों को अनंतिम रूप से कुर्क किया है। 07/Sep/2024 462.19 KB
77 ईडी, गुरुग्राम ने मेसर्स एमटेक ऑटो लिमिटेड, मेसर्स एआरजी लिमिटेड, मेसर्स एसीआईएल लिमिटेड, मेसर्स मेटालिस्ट फोर्जिंग लिमिटेड और मेसर्स कास्टेक्स टेक्नोलॉजीज लिमिटेड, अरविंद धाम, प्रमोटर एमटेक ग्रुप और अन्य के मामले में पीएमएलए, 2002 के प्रावधानों के तहत 05.09.2024 को 5,115.31 करोड़ रुपये मूल्य की चल और अचल संपत्तियों को अनंतिम रूप से कुर्क किया है। 07/Sep/2024 172.08 KB
78 ED has provisionally attached 24 immovable properties spanning 52.11 acres of land valued at Rs.78.18 Crore located in Gurugram, Haryana belonging to M/s Oyester Buildwell Private Limited, a company whose beneficial owner is Gautam Thapar. 07/Sep/2024 486.6 KB
79 ED, Gurugram has provisionally attached movable and immovable properties valuing Rs. 5,115.31 Crore on 05.09.2024 under the provisions of PMLA, 2002 in the case M/s Amtek Auto Limited, M/s ARG Limited, M/s ACIL limited, M/s Metalyst Forging Limited and M/s Castex Technologies Limited, Arvind Dham, promoter Amtek Group and others. 07/Sep/2024 174.95 KB
80 ED, Mumbai has conducted search operations on 04.09.2024 under the provisions of PMLA, 2002 at 6 locations in Pune and Delhi-NCR, as part of an ongoing probe in the case of ex-employees of HUF India Pvt. Ltd. During the search operations, various incriminating documents including details of property documents, movable assets i.e., Bank funds, Fixed Deposits, Demat account holdings, mutual fund holdings to the tune of Rs. 9.62 Crore (approx.) have been frozen/ seized. 07/Sep/2024 325.16 KB