Our Core Values

As a premier financial investigation agency of the Government of India, the Enforcement Directorate functions in strict compliance with the Constitution and Laws of India, and respects the guidance of all Lawful Authorities. We endeavour to establish and maintain high professional standards and credibility. Essential to these standards is the adherence to our Core Values, as follows:

Integrity : Integrity is our core requirement, displayed by

  • Soundness of moral principle, honesty and sincerity

  • High standards of personal conduct and character

  • Complete trustworthiness in handling information.

Accountability: We are answerable for outcomes. We

  • Ensure everyone knows what is expected of him or her, how their work will be evaluated, and how success will be measured and determined.
  • Accept responsibility for the consequences of our efforts and actions.

Commitment: Commitment means to us dedication, application, perseverance and a determination to achieve results. It requires us to

  • Apply ourselves to all tasks for which we have responsibility
  • Strive to achieve team and organizational objectives.

Excellence: We aim to excel in all that we do, and seek to

  • Constantly improve work performance by always seeking to upgrade systems and methods, and remove waste and inefficiencies
  • Sharpen our investigative skills, learning from global best practices
  • Support teamwork, communicate better with each other, encourage delegation of tasks, deal strictly with discipline issues.

Impartiality: We aim to

  • Be fair and reasonable in our investigations
  • Pursue and reveal the truth
  • Take decisions without fear or favour
  • Act without malice, prejudice or bias, and not allow the abuse of power.