Camden Asset Recovery Inter-agency Network(CARIN)

1. Introduction:-

CARIN is an informal network of law enforcement and judicial practitioners in the field of asset tracing, freezing, seizure and confiscation. It is an inter-agency network. Each member state is represented by a law enforcement officer and a judicial expert (prosecutor, investigating judge, etc. depending on the legal system).The Europol Financial Crime Information Centre (FCIC) is a closed user group web site, administered by Europol and available to all investigators and judicial authorities involved in combating financial crime. Access is available in line with the FCIC Business Procedures (available from Europol Financial Crime Unit) by means of a user name and password issued by Europol.

2. Purpose of CARIN:-

The purpose of CARIN is to increase the effectiveness of its members' efforts, on a multi-agency basis, to deprive criminals of their illicit profits. CARIN contacts support the complete asset recovery process, from the starting point of the investigation involving the tracing of assets, to freezing and seizure, management and finally the forfeiture/confiscation, including any necessary asset sharing between jurisdictions. The representatives of the member states are called “national contact points”. All of them are English speaking as the working language of the network is English. CARIN contacts may be contacted directly by phone or email.

3. More Information: