
Key details of PMLA cases up to 31.01.2023
S. No. Description Total no. / amount(as on 31.01.2023)
1. Number of ECIR recorded 5906
2. Number of ECIR in which search has been conducted 531
3. Number of search warrants issued (in 531 ECIR) 4954
4. Percentage of ECIR in which search warrants issued (4=2/1*100) out of total ECIR recorded 8.99
5. Number of ECIR recorded against existing and Ex MPs, MLAs & MLCs 176
6. Percentage of ECIR recorded against existing and Ex MPs, MLAs & MLCs out of total ECIR recorded 2.98
7. Number of Provisional Attachment Orders (PAOs) issued 1919
8. Amount of PAOs issued (Rs. in crore) 115350
9. Number of PAOs confirmed by Ld. Adjudicating Authority 1632
10. Amount of PAOs confirmed by Ld. Adjudicating Authority (Rs. in crore) 71290
11 Number of PAOs pending for confirmation before the Ld. Adjudicating Authority 260
12 Amount of PAOs pending for confirmation before the Ld. Adjudicating Authority (Rs. in crore) 40904
13 Number of persons arrested 513
14 Number of Prosecution Complaints filed  1142
15 Number of cases in which trial completed under PMLA 25
16 Number of trial cases resulted in conviction under PMLA 24
17 Number of accused convicted in PMLA 45
18 Number of trial cases resulted in acquittal 01
19 Percentage of conviction (15=12/11*100) 96
20 Amount of confiscation under Section 8(5) of PMLA (Rs. in crore) 36.23
21 Amount of fine imposed on accused (Rs. in crore) 4.62
22 Amount of confiscation under Section 8(7) of PMLA (Rs. in crore) 15587.435
23 Total amount of confiscation (19 = 16+18) (Rs. in crore) 15623.665
Key details of FEMA cases up to 31.01.2023
S. No. Description Total no. / amount(as on 31.01.2023)
1. No. of Investigations Initiated 33988
2. No. of Investigations Disposed 16148
3. Show Cause Notices (SCNs) issued 8440
4. SCNs Adjudicated 6847
Key details of FEOA cases up to 31.01.2023
S. No. Description Total no. / amount(as on 31.01.2023)
1. No of persons against whom action under FEOA initiated 15
2. No. of persons declared FEO 09
3. Amount of properties confiscated (Rs in crore) 862.43