1681 |
ED has carried out search operations on 24.03.2023 at three places at Bhubaneswar and one at Berhampur, Ganjam against M/s Keshari Estates Pvt. Ltd. & its directors. During the searches, gold jewellery weighing more than 1.5 kg (approx) and various incriminating documents/evidences have been seized . |
27/मार्च/2023 |
19.37 किलोबाइट
1682 |
ED has provisionally attached 24 immovable properties of Mrs. Nowhera Shaik and Heera Group of companies, Hyderabad worth Rs. 33.06 Crore under the provisions of PMLA, 2002 in a case related to defrauding gullible people. Total attachment in the case stands at Rs.400.06 Crore (approx.). |
25/मार्च/2023 |
215.88 किलोबाइट
1683 |
ED has arrested Bablu Sonkar, close associate of Ex-Chairman Amar Mulchandani, and two contractual staff working in the ED Office under the provisions of PMLA 2002 during its investigation into the fraud in Seva Vikas Cooperative Bank. |
25/मार्च/2023 |
238.74 किलोबाइट
1684 |
ED has attached immovable property in the form of commercial Tower namely Ambience Tower, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi worth Rs. 252.17 Crore belonging to Ambience Group, promoted by Raj Singh Gehlot in connection with a money laundering investigation, under PMLA, 2002. |
24/मार्च/2023 |
299.34 किलोबाइट
1685 |
ED carried out search operations on 21.03.2023 under the provisions of the PMLA, 2002 in Papumpare district of Arunachal Pradesh in respect of investigations relating to APPSB scam and APSSC paper leak cases. During the search operations, incriminating documents and an amount of Rs 1.41 Crore (as balance available in bank accounts and FDs) were seized/freezed. |
23/मार्च/2023 |
244.01 किलोबाइट
1686 |
ED has arrested Santhosh Eappen, Managing Partner of M/s Unitac Builders and Developers and M/s Sane Ventures LLP on 20/3/2023 in connection with the investigation being conducted relating to the LIFE Mission Scam, and produced before Hon’ble PMLA Court on 21/3/2023. Hon’ble Court has granted ED custody for 3 days. |
23/मार्च/2023 |
252.87 किलोबाइट
1687 |
ED has provisionally attached immovable and movable properties worth Rs. 63,18,52,275/- (book value) belonging to Sanasam Jacky Singh, Chairman cum Managing Director of Lamjingba Group of Companies and his associates under the PMLA,2002 in a Ponzi scheme, out of total Proceeds of Crime of Rs.600/- Crore (approx). |
21/मार्च/2023 |
330.05 किलोबाइट
1688 |
ED has Provisionally Attached one immovable property in the form of Residential Plot worth Rs. 1.10 Crore of Aslam Pasha, Partner of Rajamahal Silks in connection with the case related to illegal mining and trading of Iron-ore. |
21/मार्च/2023 |
354.03 किलोबाइट
1689 |
ED carried out search operations and arrested Ayan Sil, in the Teacher Recruitment Scam of West Bengal on 20.03.2023, and produced him before PMLA Spl. Court. Court has granted his ED custody for 13 days (till 01-04-2023). During the searches various incriminating documents and electronic records/devices etc. have been seized. |
21/मार्च/2023 |
503.85 किलोबाइट
1690 |
ED has provisionally attached immovable properties worth Rs 20.16 Crore of M/s. Injaz International represented by its partners Misbahuddin S. & Suhail Ahmed Shariff, under the PMLA in a Ponzi scheme, out of total Proceeds of Crime of Rs.80.99 Crore. |
20/मार्च/2023 |
200.71 किलोबाइट