1441 |
ED has conducted searches at various premises in Mumbai on 11.09.2023 and 12.09.2023 in connection with money laundering investigation against M/s Max Flex Imaging and System. Ltd. managed & controlled by Hitesh R. Jobalia and Nimesh N. Shah. During the search operations, stocks of Flex, Vinyl and other items worth Rs. 12 Crore, FDRs amounting to Rs. 1.25 Crore, Demat accounts having balance of Rs. 6.30 Crore, Foreign Currency, Cash, Gold Jewellery and Silver bars, totalling to Rs. 20.11 Crore were freezed/ seized. |
14/सितंबर/2023 |
372.95 किलोबाइट
1442 |
ED arrested Kunal Gupta, owner and Director of M/s Met Technologies Pvt Ltd., on 10.09.2023 under Section 19 of PMLA. The Hon’ble Special PMLA Court, Kolkata remanded him to ED custody till September 22, 2023. |
13/सितंबर/2023 |
149.5 किलोबाइट
1443 |
ED carried out search operations on 12.09.2023 at several bank lockers held by individuals involved in the Jal Jeevan Mission Case in Jaipur, Rajasthan, under the provisions of the PMLA, 2002. During the search operations 9.635 Kg Gold worth Rs. 5.83 Crore and 6.349 Kg Silver worth Rs. 3.90 Lakh were seized. The total seizure in the instant case is Rs. 8.82 Crore, including gold/silver worth Rs. 6.50 Crore. |
13/सितंबर/2023 |
200.91 किलोबाइट
1444 |
ED has filed Prosecution Complaint under the provisions of the PMLA, 2002 against M/s Akshayagold Farms and Villas India Limited, its promoters/directors Bhogi Subramanyam, Devaki Harnath Babu, M Sudhakara Rao and others in a Ponzi scam, in the Court of Hon’ble Metropolitan Sessions Judge cum PMLA Special Court, Visakhapatnam. The Hon’ble Court has taken cognizance of the offence of money laundering. |
12/सितंबर/2023 |
299.39 किलोबाइट
1445 |
ED has provisionally attached movable and immovable assets valued at Rs. 3,43,68,376/- in the Morris Coin Crypto Currency Case (a cheating case) under the PMLA,2002 on 07.09.2023. The attached assets include balance in bank accounts of M/s Flywithme Mobile LLP (a partnership firm of Nishad K and Hasif K) and immovable property of Ansari P, an associate of Nishad K. |
08/सितंबर/2023 |
319.77 किलोबाइट
1446 |
ईडी ने धन शोधन निवारण अधिनियम, 2002 के तहत मॉरिस कॉइन क्रिप्टो करेंसी केस में रू 3,43,68,376/- की चल/अचल संपत्तियाँ जब्त की हैं। जब्त परिसंपत्तियों में मैसर्स फ्लाइविदमी मोबाइल एलएलपी (निषाद के और हासिफ़ के की एक साझेदारी फर्म) के बैंक खातों में शेष राशि और निषाद के एक सहयोगी अंसारी के की अचल संपत्ति शामिल है। |
08/सितंबर/2023 |
617.55 किलोबाइट
1447 |
ED has conducted search operations under PMLA, 2002 on 05.09.2023, at the residential premises of Lakshman Hembram, Sub Post-Master, in relation to misappropriation of public money. During the search, various incriminating documents, cash of Rs 5.25 lakh was found and seized, and Rs 5.97 Lakh was freezed in bank account. |
06/सितंबर/2023 |
294.45 किलोबाइट
1448 |
ED has provisionally attached immovable and movable properties worth Rs. 7.88 Crore (approx.) belonging to Baljit Singh, legal heir of Late Karnail Singh, Late Pritam Singh, Late Ishar Singh, Late Sher Singh, Late Gulzar Singh and Late Jasmer Chand under provisions of PMLA, 2002. |
06/सितंबर/2023 |
301.3 किलोबाइट
1449 |
ED has arrested two individuals namely, Sathish Kumar and Kiran P P, on 04.09.2023 under the provisions of the PMLA, 2002, in Karuvannur Service Co-Operative Society Bank fraud case and produced before the designated PMLA Special Court and they have been sent to ED Custody for 3 days. |
05/सितंबर/2023 |
326.35 किलोबाइट
1450 |
ED on 03.09.2023, detained five individuals namely, V S Suresh Babu, Kottayam, A K Shaji @ Payasam Shaji, Mohammed Shibu, Mohammed Shiju, Ettamanoor, & Siraj V Essakhan, Ernakulam, Kerala under the provisions of the COFEPOSA Act,1974. The Detenues were sent to Central Prison & Correctional Home, Thiruvananthapuram. |
05/सितंबर/2023 |
326.41 किलोबाइट