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Sr.No Title Downloads
31 Filling up the post of ALA On deputation/absorption basis Vacancy Circulars - reg. 2.19 MB
32 Applications are invited for contractual engagement of Reporting Officers and Scientific Assistants on temporary basis for NFSU-ED project. 959.53 KB
33 Filling up the post of Senior Sepoy in the Directorate of Enforcement on deputation basis. 2.81 MB
34 Filling up the post of Sepoy in the Directorate of Enforcement on deputation basis. 2.84 MB
35 Filling up of the post of Deputy Director of Enforcement in the Directorate of Enforcement, on deputation basis (application invited on a continuing basis) - DoR Vacancy Circular dated 13.05.2020 - regarding. 2.83 MB
36 Filling up of the post of Assistant Director of Enforcement in the Directorate of Enforcement, on deputation basis (application invited on a continuing basis) - DoR Vacancy Circular dated 13.05.2020 - regarding. 2.77 MB
37 Filling up the post of Special Director of Enforcement in the Directorate of Enforcement on deputation basis for a period of 05 years vacancy circular:-reg 1.5 MB
38 Filling up the post of Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade) in the Directorate of Enforcement on deputation basis - regarding. 2.14 MB
39 Filling up the post of Staff Car Driver (Grade-II) in the Directorate of Enforcement on deputation basis - regarding. 2.6 MB
40 Filling up of the post of Additional Director of Enforcement in the Directorate of Enforcement, on deputation basis-regarding. 420.39 KB